Friday 23 March 2012

Samsung Galaxy Note - 4 Tips for using Stylus Pen

Samsung-Galaxy-NoteSamsung Galaxy Note has some unique characteristics which makes it the best smartphone ever made by Samsung. Well many people said that it’s the most awesome smartphone ever made in the world but well there are many more phones that compete with it like iPhone 4S and many more phones but well due to its large screen and stylus feature it can do many more advanced stuff than other smartphone.

4 Stylus Pen Tricks for Samsung Galaxy Note :

1. Taking Screenshots : Well you can take screenshots of your phone screen on your Galaxy Note by just pressing the Stylus button and than holding a press on your screen. Now you will get a flash kind of thing and your screen sill be captured now you edit it and add effects to it you can even crop your images and do many fun stuff with it.
2. Loading S-Memo : If you just wanted to use your big screen for writing than you can use S-Memo which has a feature to convert your handwriting to text. Just Press your Stylus button and than double click on the screen, now write anything and than click on Handwriting to Text and that’s it your text will be converted into normal text which you can copy and paste anywhere.
3. Bringing Menu : Your can obviously use the left touch key below to load your menu but if you want to complete that task using your Stylus than you just have to press the stylus button and than stroke upwards direction on your screen that’s it now your menu is loaded.
4. Canceling Tasks : If you wanted to cancel any ongoing task than you just have to press the Stylus button and than stroke on left and you will be able to cancel that task.
So these were some tips which can enhance your experience with the Galaxy Note Stylus Pen, we will be posting many more tips and tricks for Galaxy Note so stay updated.

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