Friday 30 March 2012

Participate in Stop Not Contest & Get Rs .10 Talktime Free

stop not snacksPerfetti a snacks based company has started a new promotional offer providing free recharge every hour just by doing a silly act you just have to say Stop Not, well you do not need to say @ your house or in your lobby but you need to participate in their offer and call them on a toll free number and than start recording Stop Not right in your voice.
The campaign has started on 16th of March and will end on 4th of April. The winners will get Rs. 10 Recharge for free if their Stop Not is selected and they are going to be giving 1500+ recharges every day just as a promotion of their product.

How to avail this free talktime Stop Not offer :

If you are interested in this offer than you have to call their Toll Free number which is obviously free 1800 102 3006 and than your call will be connected choose your language and than they will instruct you about what you have to do, follow those instructions and shout “Stop Not” well I think they are finding some unique tones in different voices.
So the main thing is that the offer is for free and you should participate in it well just for fun if you don’t need any recharges, just bring some creativity in your voice and start recording.

Google Clean - Clean all Traces from Google Products

Currently Google owns the internet, it has made our lives so much easier to interact with people all over the world. Products from Google varies in every range from Browser to the Photo editing software but the worst part is that every product from Google offered has some tracking system built in them which tracks every activity what ever you do, thus creating a unique ID for your actions and than transferring them back to Google.

Also Check Out : Awesome List of Google Tricks Worth Checking Out

So Google Clean helps stopping that transfers and cleaning any kind of traces created by those software's, so in brief it does not affect any functionality of your product but hence just improves it for more productive use.

Download Google Clean Full Version for Windows PC :

Download Google Clean full version and start cleaning your traces created using Google Products, it supports all the major products from Google as you can see in the above image Google Chrome, Google Picasa and all others.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Talking Tom Cat .SWF File for PC Browsers Download

talking-tom-catTalking Tom Cat which is the most viral application for iPhone and Android for some amazing voice manipulation fun is now unofficially available for your PC Browsers. Well its not actually the best one, as there is no support for voice commands but still you can click on his body parts and than he do some funny actions with funny voices.

Also check out : Awesome Animated Emoticons for Facebook Chat

On the right hand side we just captures all the amusing actions of this funny cat. So you can see when we click on his nose he reacts to all those actions. We also have a mil container on the right hand which you can click and he drinks that milk.

Download Talking Tom Cat .SWF File :

You can Download .SWF File Here for Talking Tom Cat and than open that file in your browser or in an other flash application than you will see this cat, now enjoy clicking over his body parts and amuse yourself and your friends.

Saturday 24 March 2012

How to Connect Two Computers Without a Router

Connect Two Computers Directly

There are two options – you can either buy a router or, if you are looking for something more simple and don’t want to spend money on new networking hardware, you can connect the two computers using a commonly-available cable. The latter method doesn’t involve any complicated network settings and you will still be able to share files, internet connection, and even printers between computers.
Things you need:
To set up this basic wired home network, all you need is an inexpensive Ethernet crossover cable and the other requirement is that network cards* (also known as LAN or Ethernet cards) should be installed on each of you computers.
[*] This should not be an issue because network cards are available on most newer machines by default but if you are working with a very old computer, you can either attach an internal LAN card to your computer’s motherboard or go for a USB Network adapter that will turn a USB port into an Ethernet (RJ45) port.
An Ethernet crossover cable looks like a standard Ethernet cable but the internal wiring is a little different. You can purchase crossover cables at or from your local computer store. If you have trouble finding them, you can purchase an inexpensive crossover adaptor and that will let you use any standard Ethernet cable as a crossover cable.

Connect Computers with an Ethernet Crossover Cable

Before connecting the two computers with a physical cable, make sure that both machine are using the same workgroup*. Here is step-by-step guide that explains how you can change the workgroup of your computers.
Changing workgroup in Windows XP – From the Start menu, right-click “My Computer.” Select Properties in the drop-down menu, and then select the second tab that says “Computer Name” from the System Properties window. Now click the “Change…” button, enter a unique Workgroup name and reboot your computer.
1. My Computer - Properties 2. Change Workgroup Name 3. Save Workgroup Name and Reboot
Changing workgroup in Windows 7 or Vista – Open the Control Panel, type “Workgroup” in the search box, and select the entry that says “Change Workgroup Name.” Click the “Change…” button, enter a Workgroup name and restart the computer. Windows 7 users can skip one step; simply type “Workgroup” in the search box in the start menu, and select the first entry, then proceed as above.
1. Search Workgroup from Control Panel  2. Change Workgroup - Vista or Windows 7  3. Assign Workgroup Name
Now that the workgroups are same for both computers, connect the two computers together using the Ethernet crossover cable. Simply plug-in one end of the crossover cable into the network adapter of Computer A and connect the other end of the cable to the network adapter of Computer B.
Windows will automatically recognize the new network, and you can now easily view files and folder that the other computer has shared. Simply open Networks from the Start Menu (or the Control Panel), and you should see the other computer by its name. You can then browse any shared files on the other computer, and can even utilize shared printers.
Troubleshooting – If you do not see the other computer under Networks, you probably have a prompt at the top of your Network window saying that Network discovery is turned off (screenshots below). Select “Turn on Network Discovery and File Sharing.”  In the next prompt, select “No, make the network I am connected to a private network.”  Now you should see the other computer on the home network.
1. Turn on network discovery 2. Turn Off File Sharing for Public Networks
[*] While it is possible to share files between two computers connected with a crossover cable without making them part of the same workgroup, the method will only work if both computers have this network set as a private network, and may still cause problems. It is therefore advisable to have both computers on the same workgroup before sharing files and printers.

Share an Internet Connection Between Two Computers

There are scenarios where you may want to share the same internet connection between two computers. For instance:
Situation A - You have setup a Wi-Fi network at home but your old desktop computer doesn’t have a wireless network card. In that case, you can use the laptop to connect to the internet wirelessly and then share that same connection with the desktop over a crossover Ethernet cable.
Situation B – You have a netbook with a built-in cellular data connection. You can share that connection with any another computer at home through the crossover Ethernet cable.
Situation C – You use a (slow) Wireless USB modem with your laptop computer while your desktop is connected to an ADSL Broadband line and there’s no router at home. For any bandwidth intensive tasks, like when you want to backup photos from your laptop to an online service, you can connect the laptop to the desktop and things will happen much faster.
OK, let’s look at the steps required for sharing an Internet connection.
First, if you only wish to share internet connection and not files, both computers need not belong to the same workgroup. All you need to do is to connect the two computers with the Ethernet crossover cable, and then turn on Internet connection sharing in the computer that already has an Internet connection. The instructions vary for different versions of Windows:
For Windows XP – Select “Network and Internet Connections” from the Control Panel and click “Network Connections.”
 1. Network and Internet Connections 2. Change Network Connection Properties 3. Allow Internet Connection Sharing
Right-click on the network connection you wish to share (the one connected to the internet), select Properties, click on the “Advanced” tab, and then check the box that says “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection.”  Click OK, and the second computer that you have connected to this computer with the Crossover Cable should have internet access now.
For Windows 7 and Vista – Open Control Panel, enter “network connections” in the search box on the top right and select “View Network Connections.”
Vista - Share internet connection 1 Vista-7 - Share Internet Connection 2 Vista-7 - Share Internet connection 3
Right-click on the network connection you wish to share (this must be the one connected to the internet) and select Properties. Select the "Sharing" tab and then check the option that says “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection.” Click OK, and the other computer you have connected to this Windows 7 or Vista computer should have internet access now.

TATA consultancy services

National Interest
A Tata company shall be committed in all its actions to benefi t the economic development of the
countries in which it operates and shall not engage in any activity that would adversely aff ect such
objective. It shall not undertake any project or activity to the detriment of the nation’s interests or those
that will have any adverse impact on the social and cultural life patterns of its citizens. A Tata company
shall conduct its business aff airs in accordance with the economic, development and foreign policies,
objectives and priorities of the nation’s government and shall strive to make a positive contribution to
the achievement of such goals at the international, national and regional level as appropriate.
Financial Reporting and Records
A Tata company shall prepare and maintain its accounts fairly and accurately in accordance with
the accounting and fi nancial reporting standards that represent the generally accepted guidelines,
principles, standards, laws and regulations of the country in which the company conducts its business
aff airs.
Internal accounting and audit procedures shall fairly and accurately refl ect all of the company’s business
transactions and disposition of assets. All required information shall be accessible to company auditors
and other authorised parties and government agencies. There shall be no willful omissions of any
company transactions from the books and records, no advance income recognition and no hidden bank
account and funds.

Any willful material misrepresentation of and/or misinformation on the fi nancial accounts and reports
shall be regarded as a violation of the code, apart from inviting appropriate civil or criminal action under
the relevant laws.
A Tata company shall fully strive for the establishment and support of a competitive open market
economy in India and abroad and shall cooperate in the eff orts to promote the progressive and
judicious liberalisation of trade and investment by a country.
Specifi cally, a Tata company shall not engage in activities,which generate or support the formation of
monopolies, dominant market positions, cartels and similar unfair trade practices.
A Tata company shall market its products and services on its own merits and shall not make unfair
and misleading statements about competitors’ products and services. Any collection of competitive
information shall be made only in the normal course of business and shall be obtained only through
legally permitted sources and means.

Equal Opportunities Employer
A Tata company shall provide equal opportunities to all its employees and all qualifi ed applicants for
employment, without regard to their race, caste, religion, colour, ancestry, marital status, sex, age,
nationality, disability and veteran status. Employees of a Tata company shall be treated with dignity and
in accordance with the Tata policy to maintain a work environment free of sexual harassment, whether
physical, verbal or psychological. Employee policies and practices shall be administered in a manner
that would ensure that in all matters equal opportunity is provided to those eligible and the decisions
are merit-based.

Gifts and Donations
A Tata company and its employees shall neither receive nor off er or make, directly or indirectly, any
illegal payments, remuneration, gifts, donations or comparable benefi ts that are intended to, or
perceived to obtain business or uncompetitive favours for the conduct of its business. However, a Tata
company and its employees may accept and off er nominal gifts which are customarily given and are of
commemorative nature for special events.
Government Agencies
A Tata company and its employees shall not off er or give any company funds or property as donation to
any government agencies or their representatives, directly or through intermediaries, in order to obtain
any favourable performance of offi cial duties.
Political Non-alignment
A Tata company shall be committed to and support a functioning democratic constitution and system
with a transparent and fair electoral system in India. A Tata company shall not support directly or
indirectly any specifi c political party or candidate for political offi ce. The company shall not off er or
give any company funds or property as donations, directly or indirectly, to any specifi c political party,
candidate or campaign.
Health, Safety and Environment
A Tata company shall strive to provide a safe and healthy working environment and comply, in the
conduct of its business aff airs, with all regulations regarding the preservation of the environment of
the territory it operates in. A Tata company shall be committed to prevent the wasteful use of natural
resources and minimise any hazardous impact of the development, production, use and disposal of any
of its products and services on the ecological environment.

Quality of Products and Services
A Tata company shall be committed to supply goods and services of the highest quality standards
backed by effi cient after-sales service consistent with the requirements of the customers to ensure their
total satisfaction. The quality standards of the company’s goods and services should at least meet the
required national standards and the company should endeavour to achieve international standards.
Corporate Citizenship
A Tata company shall be committed to be a good corporate citizen not only in compliance with all
relevant laws and regulations but also by actively assisting in the improvement of the quality of life
of the people in the communities in which it operates with the objective of making them self-reliant.
Such social responsibility would comprise: to initiate and support community initiatives in the fi eld of
community health and family welfare, water management, vocational training, education and literacy,
and encourage application of modern scientifi c and managerial techniques and expertise. This will be
reviewed periodically in consonance with national and regional priorities. The company would also not
treat these activities as optional ones, but would strive to incorporate them as an integral part of its
business plan. The company would also encourage volunteering amongst its employees and help them
to work in the communities. Tata companies are encouraged to develop social accounting systems and
to carry out social audit of their operations.
Cooperation of Tata Companies
A Tata company shall cooperate with other Tata companies by sharing physical, human and
management resources as long as this does not adversely aff ect its business interests and shareholder
In the procurement of products and services, a Tata company shall give preference to another Tata
company as long as it can provide these on competitive terms relative to third parties.
Public Representation of the Company and the Group
A Tata company honours the information requirements of the public and its stakeholders. In all its public
appearances, with respect to disclosing company and business information to public constituencies
such as the media, the fi nancial community, employees and shareholders, a Tata company or the Tata
Group shall be represented only by specifi cally authorised directors and employees. It will be the sole
responsibility of these authorised representatives to disclose information on the company.
Third-Party Representation
Parties that have business dealings with the Tata Group but are not members of the group such as
consultants, agents, sales representatives, distributors, contractors, suppliers, etc. shall not be authorised
to represent a Tata company if their business conduct and ethics are known to be inconsistent with the

Use of the Tata Brand
The use of the Tata name and trademark owned by Tata Sons, shall be governed by manuals, codes and
agreements issued by Tata Sons. The use of the Tata brand is defi ned in and regulated by the Tata Brand
Equity & Business Promotion Agreement.
Group Policies
A Tata company shall recommend to its board of directors the adoption of policies and guidelines
periodically formulated by Tata Sons.
A Tata company shall be committed to enhance shareholder value and comply with all regulations
and laws that govern shareholders’ rights. The board of directors of a Tata company shall duly and
fairly inform its shareholders about all relevant aspects of the company’s business and disclose such
information in accordance with the respective regulations and agreements.
Ethical Conduct
Every employee of a Tata company, which shall include whole-time directors and the managing director,
shall deal on behalf of the company with professionalism, honesty, integrity as well as high moral and
ethical standards. Such conduct shall be fair and transparent and be perceived to be such by third
Every employee shall be responsible for the implementation of and compliance with the code in his
professional environment. Failure to adhere to the code could attract the most severe consequences
including termination of employment.
Regulatory Compliance
Every employee of a Tata company shall, in his business conduct, comply with all applicable laws and
regulations, both in letter and in spirit, in all the territories in which he operates. If the ethical and
professional standards set out in the applicable laws and regulations are below that of the code, then
the standards of the code shall prevail.

Concurrent Employment
An employee of a Tata company shall not, without the prior approval of the managing director of the
company, accept employment or a position of responsibility (such as a consultant or a director) with any
other company, nor provide “freelance” services to anyone. In the case of a whole-time director or the
managing director, such prior approval must be obtained from the board of directors of the company.
Confl ict of interest
An employee of a Tata company shall not engage in any business, relationship or activity, which might
detrimentally confl ict with the interest of his company or the Group. A confl ict of interest, actual or
potential, may arise where, directly or indirectly,
(a) an employee of a Tata company engages in a business, relationship or activity with anyone who is
party to a transaction with his company,
(b) an employee is in a position to derive a personal benefi t or a benefi t to any of his relatives by
making or infl uencing decisions relating to any transaction, and
(c) an independent judgement of the company’s or group’s best interest cannot be exercised.
The main areas of such actual or potential confl icts of interest would include the following:
● Financial interest of an employee of a Tata company or his relatives including the
holding of an investment in the subscribed share capital of any company or a share in
any fi rm which is an actual or potential competitor, supplier, customer,
distributor, joint venture or other alliance partner of the Tata company. (The ownership of
upto 1% of the subscribed share capital of a publicly held company shall not ordinarily constitute
a fi nancial interest for this purpose.)
● An employee of a Tata company conducting business on behalf of his company or being
in a position to infl uence a decision with regard to his company’s business with a supplier
or customer of which his relative is a principal, offi cer or representative, resulting in a benefi t to
him or his relative.
● Award of benefi ts such as increase in salary or other remuneration, posting, promotion or
recruitment of a relative of an employee of a Tata company where such an individual
is in a position to infl uence the decision with regard to such benefi ts.
● Acceptance of gifts, donations, hospitality and/or entertainment beyond the
customary level from existing or potential suppliers, customers or other third parties which
have business dealings with the company.

Notwithstanding that such or other instances of confl ict of interest exist due to any historical
reasons, adequate and full disclosure by the interested employees should be made to the company’s
management. It is also incumbent upon every employee to make a full disclosure of any interest which
the employee or the employee’s immediate family, which would include parents, spouse and children,
may have in a company or fi rm which is a supplier, customer, distributor of or has other business
dealings with his company.
Every employee who is required to make a disclosure as mentioned above shall do so, in writing, to
his immediate superior who shall forward the information along with his comments to the person
designated for this purpose by the MD/CEO who in turn will place it before the MD/CEO and/or the
board of directors/executive committee appointed by the board and, upon a decision being taken in the
matter, the employee concerned will be required to take necessary action as advised to resolve/avoid
the confl ict.
If an employee fails to make a disclosure as required herein and the management of its own accord
becomes aware of an instance of confl ict of interest that ought to have been disclosed by the employee,
the management would take a serious view of the matter and consider suitable disciplinary action
against the employee.
Securities Transactions and Confi dential Information
An employee of a Tata company and his immediate family shall not derive any benefi t or assist others to
derive any benefi t from the access to and possession of information about the company or the group
which is not in the public domain and thus constitutes insider information.
An employee of a Tata company shall not use or proliferate information which is not available to the
investing public and which therefore constitutes insider information for making or giving advice
on investment decisions on the securities of the respective Tata company on which such insider
information has been obtained.
Such insider information might include the following:
● Acquisition and divestiture of businesses or business units
● Financial information such as profi ts, earnings and dividends
● Announcement of new product introductions or developments
● Asset revaluations
● Investment decisions/plans
● Restructuring plans
● Major supply and delivery agreements
● Raising fi nances

Protecting Company Assets
The assets of a Tata company should not be misused but employed for the purpose of conducting
the business for which they are duly authorised. These include tangible assets such as equipment
and machinery, systems, facilities, materials, resources as well as intangible assets such as proprietary
information, relationships with customers and suppliers, etc.
An employee of a Tata company shall, in his private life, be free to pursue an active role in civic or
political aff airs as long as it does not adversely aff ect the business or interests of the company or the
Integrity of Data Furnished
Every employee of a Tata company shall ensure, at all times, the integrity of data or information
furnished by him to the company.
Reporting Concerns
Every employee of a Tata company shall promptly report to the management any actual or possible
violation of the code or an event he becomes aware of that could aff ect the business or reputation of his
or any other Tata company.

Friday 23 March 2012

“PayPal Here” A New Way to Accept Payments on iPhone

On Thursday PayPal revealed there new small accessory for iPhone called “PayPal Here” which can be used to accept Credit Card Payments on an iPhone. Well it’s somewhat similar to what Square revealed but it’s a new innovation in the tech market and also rumored that its going to compete with the Google Wallet.


This accessory looks like a small blue triangle and attaches to the headphone jack on your iPhone and also comes equipped with an iOS App, so merchant can input some amount and than have consumer to swipe his credit or debit card to make payments. There app also has a card scanning feature which can record card number and other stuff for tracking purpose. For more information on this you can read official PayPal Here website.

Samsung Galaxy Note - 4 Tips for using Stylus Pen

Samsung-Galaxy-NoteSamsung Galaxy Note has some unique characteristics which makes it the best smartphone ever made by Samsung. Well many people said that it’s the most awesome smartphone ever made in the world but well there are many more phones that compete with it like iPhone 4S and many more phones but well due to its large screen and stylus feature it can do many more advanced stuff than other smartphone.

4 Stylus Pen Tricks for Samsung Galaxy Note :

1. Taking Screenshots : Well you can take screenshots of your phone screen on your Galaxy Note by just pressing the Stylus button and than holding a press on your screen. Now you will get a flash kind of thing and your screen sill be captured now you edit it and add effects to it you can even crop your images and do many fun stuff with it.
2. Loading S-Memo : If you just wanted to use your big screen for writing than you can use S-Memo which has a feature to convert your handwriting to text. Just Press your Stylus button and than double click on the screen, now write anything and than click on Handwriting to Text and that’s it your text will be converted into normal text which you can copy and paste anywhere.
3. Bringing Menu : Your can obviously use the left touch key below to load your menu but if you want to complete that task using your Stylus than you just have to press the stylus button and than stroke upwards direction on your screen that’s it now your menu is loaded.
4. Canceling Tasks : If you wanted to cancel any ongoing task than you just have to press the Stylus button and than stroke on left and you will be able to cancel that task.
So these were some tips which can enhance your experience with the Galaxy Note Stylus Pen, we will be posting many more tips and tricks for Galaxy Note so stay updated.

Samsung Galaxy S III to be Released by April - May

Samsung-Galaxy-S3Samsung Galaxy S II was the huge hit and has been also awarded as the best smartphone for the year but now a next version for it Galaxy S III is set to be released by April or May which is just after the release or the New iPad so according to reports its rumored to be 1080p Full HD and will also have a 1.5 GHz quad core processor.
Galaxy S II was outstanding and was now also supported to have Google’s Latest and Greatest Ice Cream Sandwich to be installed on it, so we can imaging what the next version would look and feel like holding.
Now its totally a rumor about the release dates but according to some online reports some websites say that it will be launched by April and some say that maybe in starting may. Well but its been reported that its gone under production stage and soon we will have some better news about it so stay updated with us till we gather more news and update you wit it.

The New iPad 3 - Reviewed for Features and Prices

Last week apple announced that they are going to release The New iPad 3 with nothing improved in design but making it more powerful overall by graphics, speed and much more, and we also posted that some guys have got their hands on the new iPad before it was released and they also created a Unboxing Video So yesterday it was released officially and it came equipped with a resolution of 2048 x 1536 and a dual core A5X processor. Now that’s much much faster than earlier version and much improved too.
Unbelievable Gadget with Awesome Retina Graphics
now much more improved.

Awesome Features for The New iPad 3 :

  1. Amazing Retina Display embed into a 9.7 Inch giant making resolution of 2048 x 1536.
  2. A5X Quad Core Processor, making everything smooth.
  3. 1GB Ram that’s enough for awesome gaming experience.
  4. 5MP camera which can record video @ 1080p with 30 frames per second.
  5. Now equipped with 4G right now only for US.
  6. Battery life upto 10 Hours.
  7. iOS 5.1 Installed.

iPad 3 Prices for both Wi-Fi and 4G LTE Models :

iPad with Wi-Fi Priced @ : 16GB for $499 - 32GB for $599 - 64GB for $699.
iPad with 4G LTE Prices @ : 16GB for $629 - 32GB for $729 - 64GB for $829.

Brand New BSNL T-Pad Tablet Revealed Book it now

BSNL has revealed there three new tablets in competition too Aakash Tablet and these are already on Pre-Order so if you wanna grab all the knowledge about its specs and other models and want to book it now than you can visit their website, now when you will be on their website you have to click on PRE - BOOK NOW which will open form like below fill that up and you have successfully booked your upcoming BSNL Penta Tablet.
So now enjoy booking your very own BSNL Tablet if you face any problems than do comment so that we can solve that out.

Latest Three BSNL Tablets Compared Altogether

Penta-BSNL-Tablets We already posted on how you can book your BSNL Tablet by making Pre-Order well, we forgot to give you a nice comparison between all the three tablets which will give you a nice overview of what BSNL is offering in what price so below table explains everything so check that out and have fun :)
Tablet T-Pad IS701R T-Pad WS704C T-Pad WS802C
Processor ARM11 IMAP210,
ARM11 IMAP210,
ARMv7 Cortex-A8, 1.2 GHz
RAM 256MB DDR2 512MB DDR3 512MB DDR3
Battery 3000mAh 4000mAh 4200mAh
Operating System Android 2.3
Android 2.3/4.0 Not available
Camera 0.3 MP front 0.3MP Front + 2.0 MP Rear 0.3MP Front + 2.0 MP Rear
External memory T-Flash (upto 32GB) T-Flash (upto 32GB) T-Flash (upto 32GB)
Network Wi-Fi only Wi-Fi+GPRS via SIM card Wi-Fi+GPRS via SIM card
Phone Call No No No
Touch Screen 7-inch, Resistive 7-inch, Capacitive 8-inch, Capacitive
Screen Resolution 800×600 800×600 800×600
Audio jack 3.5mm 3.5mm 3.5mm
GPS No Built-in Built-in
HDMI Yes Yes Yes
G-sensor Yes Yes Yes
Support for
Office files
Yes Yes Yes
USB ports Regular Mini / Regular USB port Mini / Regular USB port
No.of USB ports 1 1 1
Price Rs. 3,250 Rs. 10,999 Rs. 13,500
So now this will be it giving you all the brief specs review on all the three tablets from BSNL Penta, if you think that there is some mistake thank make sure to comment below so that I can fix that up.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Turn Your PC Into A Virtual Wireless Router With Virtual Wi-Fi Router

Sometimes it can be hard to place a wireless router in the right place within the house or at office. This is because the signals are often not as strong  throughout the premises as one would like them to be. Another dilemma occurs when one simply does not have a wireless router (such as desktop users using a direct ADSL modem). This makes it hard to share the internet connection with another computer in a separate room or a smartphone such as an Android device. A solution to this problem can be found in the form of a virtual Wi-Fi router.
Virtual WiFi Router is a portable application which enables you to perform reverse Wi-Fi tethering via your Windows 7 system. This allows you to share your internet connection wirelessly with other computers and mobile devices. To make your computer a wireless hotspot, go to Control –> Panel –> Uninstall a Program –> Turn Windows features on or off.
Turn features on or off
Scroll down to Microsoft .Net Framework category (in the new window that pops-up) and enable Windows Communication Foundation (both HTTP and Non HTTP) Activation options.Windows Features
Once done, head over to your network card properties via Network and Sharing Center –> Change Adapter Settings, click Properties and go to Sharing (tab). From here, enable internet connection sharing.
Now, launch Virtual Wi-Fi Router application, select a network card interface from the drop down menu and click Configure. Enter a name and password for your virtual network connection and click Start to enable your Wi-Fi hotspot. A new wireless connection will instantly become available. Anyone with the password assigned to Virtual Wi-Fi Router application will be able to enter it for accessing the network.  You can view all connected devices from the Clients Connected tab. Virtual Wi-Fi Router works pretty much like previously reviewed MaryFi.
Start Wifi Router
Virtual Wi-Fi Router works on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008.

Windows 8 Tricks, Tips and Shortcuts

Windows 8 Tricks, Tips and Shortcuts

Windows 8 Consumer Preview cracked 1 million downloads shortly after launching last Wednesday and I'm sure many of you have tried it already. Whether you went with a dual-boot, upgrade, clean install or virtual machine, if you're coming from Windows 7 you'll notice significant changes immediately, while others may not be as obvious.
Inevitably, with change comes good and bad -- at least until you learn some tricks that get you back up to speed. I know I've been hitting my head against the wall when things don't behave the way they used to. The Start menu's absence is a perfect example of a radical change. Indeed, the duality of the OS may bring some trouble, but as skeptical as I was, I must admit Microsoft has done a pretty good job of easing many of my concerns.
Metro is undoubtedly very touch-oriented and perhaps a beginner's dream come true. For experienced users, it seems like Windows 8 still holds some promise. The devil is in the details, they say, so besides experimenting with a clean install I tried the upgrade option to see how well it worked. Going from a year-old Windows 7 install to the Consumer Preview was as seamless as you could ask for.

File copy dialogs, the task manager and search look better and work faster, and that adds up for an improved experience. I'm not loving Metro on my desktop since there's little I can currently do with the stock apps, but I wonder if that will be true once my most-used programs take full advantage of live tiles.
Without further ado, here's a shortlist of Windows 8 shortcuts and useful quick tricks I've gathered thus far.
Hot corners
The Start menu is no longer there, but there's a hot corner that makes up for it (unfortunately on multiple screens it's somewhat of a pain to use).
  • Lower-left corner + Left click Goes to the Start screen (Metro).
  • Lower-left corner + Right click Power user shortcut menu (Device Manager, Control Panel, Command Prompt, Power Options, etc.).
  • Upper-left corner Shows open window thumbnails, click to switch between them.
  • Upper screen limit + Click & Drag on desktop Move to left or right to snap the current desktop or Metro app to one side of the screen.
  • Lower-right corner Windows 8 Charm menu or Windows Aero Peak.
  • Upper-right corner Shows Windows 8 charm menu.

Left or right click on the lower-left corner and you'll be surprised with
a useful Windows orb replacement.

Keyboard shortcuts
Windows 8 is very hotkey-heavy, here are some of the shortcuts I find most useful:
  • Windows key Shows the new Start screen (Metro).
  • Win + type keyword Instant application search (same as in Windows 7).
  • Win + D Standard Windows desktop. Also minimizes/restores all open windows in desktop mode.
  • Win + Q Shows all installed apps.
  • Win + W Instant search for settings.
  • Win + F Instant search for files.
  • Win + I Settings sidebar (control panel, network, volume, brightness, notifications, and more).
  • Win + P Shows multi-monitor options, also useful for connecting an external monitor or projector.
  • Win + X Power user shortcut menu (Device Manager, Control Panel, Command Prompt, Power Options, etc.).
  • Win + Z Shows App Bar in Metro applications.
  • Win + . (period) Snaps the current Metro app to the right side of the screen. Do it twice and it will snap to the left.
  • Win + . (period) + Shift Snaps the current Metro app to the left side of the screen.
  • Win + J Switches focus between snapped Metro apps.
  • Win + Page Up / Down Moves full-screen Metro app to secondary monitor.
  • Win + Left / Right arrow Moves and snaps desktop applications in that direction, or to a different monitor.
  • Win + Tab Switches between open applications. Similar to using the left-upper hot corner with a mouse.
  • Win + L Locks Windows.

You can snap Metro apps or your desktop to the side and continue working on the center of the screen.
Another shortcut lets you switch focus between the two.

Showing all apps at once (Windows Phone style) and searching with a few keystrokes is
the Windows 8 equivalent to the old Programs menu.

Get the Start Menu back, orb and all!
Following user posts in our previous Windows 8 articles, I've seen some of you wanting to completely get rid of Metro and get the Windows 7 orb back. If that's the case I'd personally recommend you just stick to Windows 7, but if you already jumped ship there's a trick to do so as discussed on AskVG.
Updated: A second, improved alternative The clever folks at Stardock have released a piece of software called Start 8 that essentially adds a Start button to Windows 8's desktop mode. When you click on it you get a Metro-esque Start menu from where you can search and access other settings.
Remove that pesky wallpaper watermark
As we've seen on older betas, Windows 8 CP shows a wallpaper watermark indicating it's not a final build. The lock screen or Metro UI don't have any similar nagging reminder, and spending a majority of my time in the desktop mode, the message is tacky to say the least. Here's a solution I found circulating on a few forums:
  • Download this zip file and install the InstallTakeOwnership.reg registry file
  • Take Ownership from the shell32.dll.mui file located on C:\Windows\System32\en-US
  • Take Ownership from the basebrd.dll.mui file located on C:\Windows\Branding\Basebrd\en-US
  • Copy and replace the shell32.dll.mui from the Edited Files to C:\Windows\System32\en-US
  • Copy and replace the basebrd.dll.mui from the Edited Files to C:\Windows\Branding\Basebrd\en-US
  • Close the Windows Explorer window and open the Command Prompt with Administrator rights (remember that Win + X shortcut?)
  • Type mcbuilder, wait for it to finish and reboot.
Other quick tips
  • Drivers Windows 8 won't suffer the same fate Vista did with drivers. Most Windows 7 drivers will work just fine with the new OS. Nvidia advised GeForce owners to use the readily available 295.73 driver set, while AMD decided to release new Radeon drivers for the Consumer Preview.
  • Recalling storage space after setup Your mileage may vary with a Windows 7 upgrade. It worked great for me but remember this is still beta software. Anyway, if you upgraded you may want to restore files from the Windows.old directory which contains data from your older OS installation and other files used during the setup using the Disk Cleanup tool. Reminder #2: If you upgrade, you can't revert back to Windows 7.

You can recover a few gigabytes worth of storage space if you
clean up after a Windows 8 upgrade.

  • Upgrading to Windows 8 Windows 8 will offer a complete upgrade option from Windows 7, but the same won't be possible if you are using Vista or XP (or the current Consumer Preview for that matter). System requirements for Windows 8 are essentially the same as Windows 7 (which were similar to Vista), so most semi-modern hardware will run it just fine.
  • Metro notifications, turning some of those off Windows 8 encourages you to use a Microsoft account so you can take advantage of neat features like SkyDrive or syncing your OS settings across multiple PCs. However, it will also activate other things like the Messaging Metro app, which looks good, but becomes a nag if you are using a different IM client like Trillian or Pidgin. Windows 8 uses notifications that resembles those of Growl on OS X. You can fully manage, and deactivate the Messenger app notifications from the Settings menu.

Windows 8's notifications look good and serve a purpose, but you may want to be
selective about the programs that can interrupt your workflow.

  • Native screenshots in Win 8 Although using a third-party tool like Droplr remains the easiest way to grab and share a screenshot, Windows 8 finally adds a screenshot shortcut that doesn't require the snipping tool or another program where you can paste the taken image. Win + Prt Sc does the trick, saving a PNG image file on the Pictures folder.
That's it for now. Did we miss anything important? Have a Windows 8 how-to question? Let us know in the comments and we'll do our best to come up with a solution.

How to make your own 3D glasses second method

Create that 3D vision with a bit of Blue Peter crafting

  How to make your own 3D glasses There are an array of 3DTV technologies and you won't be able to make glasses that work with all of them, well not unless you are McGuyver. The easiest and cheapest way to get yourself set up in 3D land, so you can view what the industry calls the "anaglyph method", is to make yourself a set of 3D glasses like you probably remember as a kid.

Using these you'll be able to watch 3D YouTube videos, read comic books, look at 3D images on Flickr and best of all, watch Jaws IV in 3D.

For this you will need:

bits you need to make 3D glasses
- A pair of cheap sunglasses
- Some transparent film
- A blue permanent marker
- A red permanent marker
- A pair of scissors
- An adult present

Step one

Take the cheap sunglasses, which no doubt make you look like you are an extra from Miami Vice, and pop out the lenses.

Step two

draw out the lenses for the 3D glasses
Once you've got the lenses out and hopefully haven't cut yourself doing so (we take no responsibility you hear), use the lenses as a template to create a new pair of lenses on the transparent film. For the best effect you could buy coloured transparent film to save you colouring, or you could opt for some clingwrap but then you'll really look like a douchebag.

Step three

Once you've got your drawn-out lens shapes colour them in. Doing it now means you can reach the edges without getting permanent marker over your fingers as you can go over the edges. Sharpie or Magic marker are good makes. Make sure you work the pen over the area quickly to avoid streaking and dry marks. The right lens should be Blue, the left lens red.

Step four

cut out your new lenses for the 3D glasses
Cut out your new lenses. If you aren't comfortable with sharp objects (you know what happened last time) then ask a grown-up.

Step five

place new lenses in frames for the 3D glasses
Place the new lenses into the frames and there you have it. You can now look at anaglyph images.

Alternatives and hints

Or you could colour in a CD Case1. If you can't be bothered to butcher a pair of sunglasses you could always make a pair of glasses from cardboard.

2. If you can't even be bothered with making a pair of glasses grab a CD case, draw a line down the middle. Colour the left half red and the right half blue

3. When you butcher your sunglasses don't throw the lenses away. If you own a DSLR you can combine them with a lens cap to make a filter to create interesting effects for your photography.

4. Failing all of the above you could just buy a pair of 3D glasses. A quick hunt around the Internet should allow you to find them for as little as 20p.